Mike Panish has been working in the field of construction for over 40 years. As a working member of his construction crews, he was responsible for on- site job safety meetings, group instruction and safe usage of tools and construction methods in all of his companies. Mike is a licensed general contractor, electrical contractor, cabinet and millwork contractor, door, lock and security hardware contractor, and paint & finish contractor in the State of California. His crews have worked consistently without any major injuries or accidents due to the continuous safe atmosphere he has created and maintained on all of his job-sites, workshops and work places. Mike has been designated by Plaintiff and Defense as construction expert witness for many scaffolding and ladder accidents.
Mike Panish has been retained for his expertise in many scaffold and ladder access personal injury and wrongful death cases. He has a thorough working knowledge of most aspects of scaffold design, installations, and product requirements. He owns and maintains scaffolding systems that are regularly used on his company job-sites. He has personally been involved in furnishing access products for specialty installations.
Mike has been retained to opine on cases that have involved temporary platforms, multi stage access systems, motorized high lift devices, ladder and working staging. He owns and maintains rolling towers and outrigger systems, motorized scissor lifts and stationary components that are used for all types of industrial, commercial and residential work sites.
Mike is familiar with all of the requirements, governmental regulations and safety procedures that are essential in pursuing any access related injury claim. He has participated in governmental training sessions that have allowed workers to utilize scaffold and staging systems in government renovations, military bases and earthquake damaged conditions safely.
Mike has been highly successful in providing opinions and testimony in cases where unsafe work conditions were created by deferred maintenance of equipment or due to improperly supervised and trained workers. He is proficient in determining the reason for scaffold or access related failures due to defective conditions. He has been the retained expert for both plaintiff and defense cases as well as workmen’s compensation subrogation issues. Injury cases have included broken bones from falls off of low work platforms through major wrongful death claims. He has been able to successfully opine on issues of standard of care and job-site responsibility pertaining to all aspects and types of elevated work platforms. Mike is not simply a safety engineer with theories as to why a system failed. He has been a licensed general contractor with over 35 years of in the field experience actually using the type of equipment that so often becomes the reason for significant injury claims. He is a unique construction expert that knows these products from long term ownership and personal usage.